31: Treasures. I feel like a broken record around here, but this has been a really incredibly hard week. The loss has become real and the longing and missing tantamount. When my dad found the mugs my girls and I had done for him and my mom when she was here for Aviya’s birth, it hit him hard. He sent me a photo and that sent me down in fits of tears. This will get better, right?
32: Memorial. This is the last of the ceremonies for my mom. All her Perth friends and my dad and brother got together for her official memorial. We woke up at 4am our time to watch the live stream. It was emotional. At one point I was sobbing, which made Aviya sob, which made Ameli sob, and Martin sad holding all three his girls with tears in his eyes. Maybe now healing can truly begin.
33: Donuts. Yes, I made them. They were awesome. I have got to do this again, but really, it’s not a habit you want to form.
34: Cupcake. I collapsed in a heap of tears on the floor today. Let’s just say it’s not been a good one, except that I decided I needed to pull myself out of this slump, so Ameli and I went for ‘tea’ at a local cupcake cafe. She loved it. It was rather special.
35: Seedlings. Our theme for this week is growing, and we’ve not done masses towards it, so it seemed a good idea to get some growing going. We planted three types of beans and we’ll keep an eye on them and how they grow. We also made a flower garden for Nana – yesterday actually, but the picture is from today.
36: Growing Together. We had a play day at a friend’s house, and did some painting, seed sowing and other fun things. When we got home, we made an onion planter. It’s all on the windowsill now, hoping for some sunshine.
We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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I am constantly moved by your openness and honesty. Thank you for sharing your grief. I hope too that it will help with your healing. X
Mamatography Week 6: Growing http://t.co/3Rw55Uv127 via @LvanO
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Hugs Luschka x
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#Mamatography Week 6: Growing http://t.co/ruqhfB52Si #projectsseries