Spot A Lot Animal Escape is such a fun book. It’s not the sort of story line that’s going to win any awards, but it’s not an A-Z story either, in fact, it’s sort of 3-in-1.
The first is the two-lines per page story of a zoo where the animals have all escaped their cages. One giraffe, two elephants, three gazelles and so on, to ten, so it’s a classic counting book for little ones.
They have to “search” for the animals on each page, and in the case of say the giraffe, it’s an easy find, but some of them are a lot more tricky than the others!
As well as that standard book, each page also has a few additional ‘treasure hunt’ style questions – like “find three mice” or “find the missing shoe” – that give you a second run through the book, following something different, and looking for different clues and ‘treasures’.
And then, just when you think you couldn’t squeeze any more out of the book – there’s a third ‘search’ trail: on each page find the turtle, which gives the book a third run through.
My girls are 5 & 3 and they both enjoyed the book and were excited at finding their treasures.
Spot A Lot Animal Escape is available at Amazon UK*, Amazon US* and The Book Depository* who offer free delivery world wide.
My girls were really keen to draw circles on the page – spot the difference style – but I didn’t really want them to. Instead I Googled relevant images and made a ‘sheet’ so that they could circle what they were finding as we went along. You can print the Spot A Lot Animal Escapes Work sheet here if you’d like to use it!
*We were given a free copy of this book as part of the Paragon Book Buddies program. Our thoughts are our own.
Spot A Lot Animal Escape Book Review #34years #56years #byage
Spot A Lot Animal Escape Book Review #34years #56years #byage