The Incredible Journey Board Game
I’d been trying to think of a way to do a story board around The Incredible Journey that showed the highlights and the progression of the story, but everything seemed…Continue Reading →
I’d been trying to think of a way to do a story board around The Incredible Journey that showed the highlights and the progression of the story, but everything seemed…Continue Reading →
We’re busy reading The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford which starts off with a passage describing the landscape around Ontario, Canada, and…
I was really pleased to find out that we’d been selected to be Bostik Bloggers again this year, and our…
Today was National Winnie the Pooh day, and my girls and I spent the day celebrating that willy, nilly, silly old bear. Winnie the Pooh has a very special place…Continue Reading →
This time of year there are lots of goals floating about and one of the ones you’ll often see on…
Whenever there’s a discussion on beauty, people talk about ‘youth today’ and the pressure they are facing. I don’t believe…
When you look at your baby, the idea of them growing up seems almost impossible. But as we know grow up they will, and all too fast and we only…Continue Reading →
Last year, before her birthday, Ameli and her dad finished reading the Narnia books, so when she asked for a…
As a mum who depends on my laptop for a lot of things – from colouring in sheets to templates to…
One of the challenges I face as a homeschooling mom is finding the balance between understanding what “level” my children are at and deciding how much importance I should place…Continue Reading →