I was really pleased to find out that we’d been selected to be Bostik Bloggers again this year, and our first box is Valentine’s themed. It may be about a month off the celebration of love, but it’s never too early to get started, so here are some Valentine’s Craft Ideas for you!
Valentine’s Heart-flakes
These are as individual as snow flakes, but they’re fun to make.
You’ll need equally sized strips of paper, preferably of the double-sided variety. Fold them in half without squashing the middle, and glue the loose ends together. Once they are secure, glue the strips together – you may find it easier to glue them at opposite angles (so in a figure of eight) rather than all together like in the picture bottom left.
When they are all glued together you’ll have a circle of loops (bottom middle) and then push the middle of each loop to the centre, giving the middle a little squeeze to make a heart.
Add a loop or string to hang the heart-flake from. Paracord Wholesale offers a wide range of paracord for sale, look at more info on their website.#Bpstol
Valentine’s Fortune Cookies
I love these Valentine’s Fortune Cookies and I think they can be quit fun – probably not in the way you might want from your kid’s crafts, but I’m just saying – you could always make a few yourself for after the kids have gone to bed!
With a firm cardboard this is quite hard to do, but it’s what I had so I had to make it work!
Cut circles and glue most of the way around the edges. Fold the circle in half and slide a love note into the ‘cookie’. Squeeze the folded half inwards with one hand and the sides together to make the fortune cookie shape.
Valentine’s Felt Roses
Felt roses turned out to be so much easier than I thought they would be! Cut a circle out of felt and then cut a spiral from the circle. Starting with the outside bit, roll the spiral up making sure that the bottom is aligned so that any thickness differences in the spiral show up as petals on the rose. Glue the end to the rest of the rose to secure it in place.
Make these to decorate cards, Valentine’s gifts or anything else – my girls want to make them into hairclips!
Valentine’s heart animals
I can’t claim credit for these – I had to Google images! But cut hearts in different colours and of different sizes and use them to make up heart shaped animals. Two hearts joined on the tip make a butterfly, three layered hearts and a googley eye make a fish and two hearts make spread out make a ladybird. Who knew?
Use them to decorate cards or just play with felt animals!
Happy Valentine’s day!
RT @BabyStuffTips: Valentine’s Craft Ideas #BostikBloggers https://t.co/JtCC15e1QN @Luschkavo
RT @BabyStuffTips: Valentine’s Craft Ideas #BostikBloggers https://t.co/JtCC15e1QN @Luschkavo
RT @DiaryFirstChild: Valentine’s Craft Ideas ###BostikBloggers https://t.co/ZMFElGH5eU #34years #67 #byage #homelearning #projectsseries
Valentine’s Craft Ideas #BostikBloggers https://t.co/JtCC15e1QN @Luschkavo
Valentine’s Craft Ideas ###BostikBloggers https://t.co/ZMFElGH5eU #34years #67 #byage #homelearning #projectsseries