We’re busy reading The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford which starts off with a passage describing the landscape around Ontario, Canada, and the wildlife found in the forests. I decided this passage was a great place to do some ‘classifying living things‘.
“… all these human beings together are as a handful of sand upon the ocean shores, and for the most part there is silence and solitude and an uninterrupted way of life for the wild animals that abound there: moose and deer, brown and black bears; lynx and fox; beaver, muskrat and otter; fishers, mink and marten. The wild duck rest there and the Canada goose, for this is a fringe of the central migratory flyway. The clear tree-fringed lakes and rivers are filled with speckled trout and steelheads, pike and pickerel and whitefish.”
I grabbed a bunch of photos from Canadian Geographic and put together a sheet of pictures with categories to divide them into.
Click here to download the printable worksheet.
I recommend laminating the cards.
Create columns and sort by:
⦁ Bipedal animals and Quadruped animals
⦁ Nocturnal or Diurnal animals
⦁ Terrestrial or Aquatic animals
⦁ Herbivores, Carnivores or Omnivores
⦁ Conservation Status – Common or Endangered
And because most of us haven’t done Animal Sciences in some time, here are the Cambridge Dictionary Definitions to help you out. (Us mamas have to stick together!!)
- Biped – an animal that walks on two legs
- Quadruped – an animal that walks on four legs
- Nocturnal – active during the night
- Diurnal – active during the day
- Terrestrial animals – living on the land rather than in the water or air
- Aquatic animals – living or growing in water
- Herbivore – animal that eats only plants
- Carnivore – animal that eats only animals
- Omnivore – animal that eats plants and animals
Classifying Animals Into Categories https://t.co/8hgh4c0Mzy @Luschkavo
Classifying Animals Into Categories https://t.co/8hgh4c0Mzy @Luschkavo
Classifying Animals Into Categories https://t.co/0iNh9i0hrN #67 #byage #homelearning #science #workscientifically