The Baby Number Two Question
When Ameli was two days old, I was asked if I’d have another child. Unequivocally, I said yes. I was on such an oxytocin high from my home water birth,…Continue Reading →
When Ameli was two days old, I was asked if I’d have another child. Unequivocally, I said yes. I was on such an oxytocin high from my home water birth,…Continue Reading →
This is a survey for regular or at least occassional readers of Diary of a First Child. The aim is…
I was reading the Guardian Life & Style Family section and “My mum said I must give up my baby 
Milk production in the body is a simply miraculous process. In general, it is started when a baby latches on to the mother’s breast, and ‘let-down’ occurs. Really, let-down is…Continue Reading →
It’s been a rather paltry week for pictures as I’ve been dealing with issues, issues and more issues in my…
One day I sat in an adjoining room to where my husband and daughter were. I didn’t know particularly what…
A few weeks ago I received an email from Melanie from Daisies to Dinosaurs, a home run business that makes hooks and shelves specifically tailored to children. Melanie asked if…Continue Reading →
Well, doesn’t that just sound like great news! I can’t begin to count how many articles, stories and books I’ve…
We’ve had the kind of week you have when you live somewhere and know people. It’s an odd feeling, in…
OP, or back labour, is when the baby’s back faces the mother’s back, rather than the preferred back to belly (OA) position. The problem with back labour is that it…Continue Reading →