We have been exceptionally blessed this year with trips away and awesome adventures. This week was a perfect example of that as we went from the green winelands and coastal area of Gordon’s Bay in the Cape to the dry, hot bushveld. We had a fab time with my two grandmothers for the first half of the week, then a wonderful time with my parents for the second half.
Day 291 – Mist over the Mountains
Gordon’s Bay is in a half a basin, with the mountains making a ring around the one side and the ocean on the other side. It is simply beautiful, and often protected from the raging wind on the Cape. When the clouds roll over the mountains it is a spectacular sight. Sadly there’s a lot of crime and petty theft still, so carrying around a large camera isn’t a great idea, so most of my pictures when Ameli and I are out on our own are just phone pics.
Day 292 – Penguins
My gran, Ameli and I drove to Betty’s Bay on a windy Cape day to see the penguins. They live in a ‘reserve’, where they are protected, although left to let nature take it’s course. It was beautiful. They are such entertaining creatures.
Day 293 – Great-Granny, Mama and Baby on the Beach
My Granny has featured often in these pages this year. It has been amazing to be able to spend so much time with her. I have been blessed. She has been my best friend for many years, and I have loved watching my daughter grow close to her too.
Day 294 – Play Park
Parks here are a bit different to the ones in the UK and in general not really geared at babies. Perhaps in other areas, but certainly not in this one! It’s all for bigger children. We still had a good time anyway.
Day 295 – Welcome to the Bushveld, Baby
We returned from the Cape and the next day went to Dhikololo, a totally different experience, but just as intrinsically African. This is my dad and Ameli. He has wanted a grandchild for many, many years now, so this is pretty awesome for him. And its awesome for me to see them interacting. She’s a lucky girl, with four good men in her life who all love her.
Day 296 – Swimming at Dhikololo
Boy, but it is hot in the bushveld. Too hot even to be in the sun, so we spent many many hours in the in door pool. Ameli learned to go under the water, and she loved that. We would go under and she’d come up clapping! Too cute for words. I’m loving the Kodak Playsport, by the way, with which I was able to take pictures in and under the water. Here’s Ameli and me both closed eyed coming up out of the water, my dad and I under the water, Ameli sitting on the ledge between two pools with my dad and mother, and Ameli under water – smiling. Has to be one of my favourite pictures ever.
Day 297 – Holiday Living
Another day another dollar, adventure. My dad and I went quadbiking around the game reserve. It was quite slow, but incredibly fun. We found great waterholes and so on that we could return to the next day. Oh, and my dad fed Ameli icecream. Tut tut.
And that’s it from us for this week in pictures. Thank you so much for joining us!
It’s amazing you can go somewhere and see penguins just out doing there thing! Very cool.
I love the green tongue shot!
@Joey @ Big Teeth & Clouds, Thanks Joey!
The penguis are truly amazing. There’s another place where you can actually swim among them. That i s incredible. We didn’t do it this time though! The water there is way too cold still.
Penguins are so cool!
@Kristal, Thanks Kristal! Certainly in THAT water they are! lol
I look forward to this post every week! Its great watching K grow up! Those pictures in the pool are really great! Its brilliant she loves swimming so much!
@Hayley, Aww… thanks Hayley! I love doing them. It’s great seeing our year in retrospect too. I love it. 🙂
Yeah for the Penguins!!! Love the shot in the park/tube.
@Tracy Jackson, Thanks as always Tracy! If there were a star commenter prize, you would definitely win it 🙂