I know you’re sitting there with just one question on your mind.

No, it’s not about what Santa is bringing you.

Nor is it whether there will ever really be peace on earth and good will among men.

No. It’s this:


I’ll tell you where it is!
Nestled safely in a folder on my sister’s computer.  Waiting patiently for her to come home again so I can copy the pictures back on mine and do my WIP.
There you go. Now you can get on with your Christmas, knowing the answer to that question! (And don’t you say I never gave you anything! 🙂
And here it is!

Day 345- Cheese Face

Ameli has taken to pulling a rather parcular face, which Martin has termed ‘cheese face’. This has really taken off and now, whenever anyone says “cheese face!” she pulls this face!

Day 346 – Cupcakes!

My sister’s birthday party today, so I made cupcakes!

Day 347 – Rain

A beautiful rainy day, so I took photos of my dad’s garden.

A short one, but thanks for joining us for our week in pictures!


365-344 To 365-350 A Week In Pictures

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