There’s so much to see and do at Longleat that we went back a couple of times during the week.

I just love these images. They speak to me of childhood and of memories, even if just mine and not hers.

Yes, I know sugar lowers the immune system, but have you ever seen a child that couldn’t make an adventure out of eating an icecream? I love this picture so much – it speaks of summer, and sunshine and childhood and happiness.

The second picture is my favourite though. This tree is over 200 years old and I simply love how Ameli ran up to it, explored it and fit comfortably between its roots. I half expect a fairy to appear in that beam of sunlight, or perhaps a white rabbit with a waistcoat and pocketwatch at her feet.

Thanks for joining us for our pic of the week.


Pic Of The Week 52-17

  1. The 2nd photo of Kyra and the tree is magical! It invokes so much imagination – I love the way it looks like she’s kissing the tree, and her little foot is lifted as she’s moving towards it, and the sunlight in the corner… great photo!!

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