It was my friend Gloria’s babyshower this weekend past, so I’ve been working on this Memory Box Bouquet for her. The box itself is to be kept as the baby’s memory box, and the little ‘roses’ below are baby items – around 30 baby clothes, mittens, hats and so on. There are a few fake ‘real’ roses inbetween, some soft toys peeking through, a teether, some butterflies to make it pretty and a couple pairs of baby shoes.

Inside the box, under the flowers, are three baby towels, a Mei Tai sling, a swaddle blanket, some organic baby products and a few fruit bars for energy during those long weeks of breastfeeding in the beginning!

The babyshower was great fun too – but more on that next week.

Thanks for joining us for our Pic of the Week


Pic Of The Week – 20-52

      1. @Luschka, The other place to try is a facebook page. My mate sells various arrays of crafty things on her facebook page she has, she doesn’t have a website or anything and people just message her their orders. Definitely worth trying! You’ve clearly got a talent there!

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