So remember a few weeks ago I asked you to nominate us for the MADS award in the Inspirational Category? Well, it seems you did, because I was shortlisted! I am so grateful! It’s a very exciting thing to find your name on a list as chosen by the people who read these pages, and it’s a huge honour for me to know that you do, in fact, find these pages inspirational.
As I said at the time, now that we’ve made the shortlist, we need you to nominate again – for the final time. There are five blogs in the Inspirational category, so all you have to do is select Diary of a First Child, and submit.
You can vote for as few or as many categories as you like, but you can only vote once, so make sure to have selected Diary of a First Child before submitting!
You know I hate voting competitions, but that’s just how they seem to work these days, so thank you for nominating me, and thank you for being wonderful readers.