40/366 – Music Maker
At our AP group we had a music teacher come in to do a demonstration session of his classes with the children. I was really impressed by Ameli’s rhythm. It’s no surprise – we sing a lot, but still.
41/366 – Painting Snow
We got this idea from Isil over at Smiling Like Sunshine. Her daughter is a bit older than mine, so her ‘painting’ is a lot more coherent, but Ameli had fun anyway!
42/366- Beautifully Unique
We had our monthly charity coffee shop again this morning, but it took a while to get the car warmed up. I just loved how unique and individual each icicle was. Beauty despite inconvenience.
43/366 – Lunch With Mama
I know it sounds odd to say we had a Mama and daughter day, since every day is mama and daughter day around here, but this was a special mama-daughter day. We are generally on a pretty tight budget and our trips out are pretty ‘scheduled’ and planned, you know… play groups, play dates, activities and so on. This particular day was about shopping for activity pack contents to keep Ameli busy during baby’s birth though, and we were just ‘walking around’, free of any time restraints. As it turned out we didn’t get too much, because the town we went to (Guildford, a new one for me) didn’t have the kind of stuff I was after. We found a tiny Italian cafe where we had a gorgeous feast – and a rather serious looking orange juice – for pretty much the same as fast food or other take-aways would have cost. I can’t wait to take my hubby there at some point. He’d really love it too.
44/366 – Painting With Glitter Pens
Up long before nursery this morning, we had some fun ‘painting’ with glitter pens. Ameli loves ‘painting’ with these, and it keeps her busy for ages, so I’m happy to encourage it. I also love seeing how her pictures are developing as the days go on.
45/366 – Edits
After teaching my last baby massage class yesterday and being generally busy, I woke up with a full blown cold again today. It’s ridiculous, but this thing is recurring and vicious! So far no one else has it, but I feel awful again. I laid low today, and edit photos from the weekend, among other things. These were pictures from Saturday, but I only got round to editing them today, so here you go! It’s rare that Martin gets to do groups or organised activities with Ameli, so I took a few photos of them together during Saturday’s coffee shop. Doesn’t it look like she’s just loving it?
46/366 – Birth Activity Pack
I’m sure I’ll still get to write a post about this at some point, but for now pictures will have to do. I’ve put together a ‘birth activity kit’ of things to keep Ameli busy while I’m in labour. It’s a bit hit and miss as I really don’t know what to expect with this labour, but we have a colouring book, a sticker activity book, a press-out and build 3D carousel which I think she’ll love, a six – in – one -box puzzle I’ve separated so she can be given them over a period of time, and a construction set similar to one I’ve seen her playing with at our AP playgroup. It may be totally unrequired on the day, and she’ll still need supervision and interaction, but I don’t think having a ‘keep-the-two-year-old-occupied activity kit’ for the post partum period is a bad idea either!
Thanks for joining us once again for our week in pictures!
Stop by and see what the rest of the Mamatographers are doing by clicking on Mister Linky:
I can’t believe how busy you stay, what with the coming of your second child just – well, seconds away! You continue to make me so proud of you My Lovely. Thanks for sharing your week with us. (I am working on catching up, as I realize I am two weeks behind for Mamatography! You put me to shame. hehe)
I think I am finally all caught up! I am hoping to join in for the weekly posts starting next week! 🙂 I am still trying to figure things out, but I’ll get there! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I have to say how much fun Amelie looks like she had! I love that pic of the icicles. and Guildford made me homesick…
So wonderful that you got a chance to go out to eat with your little one! And you are keeping quite busy, even till the end of the pregnancy, very admirable!!!
What a fun-filled week! Im jealous of how much there is to do with little ones over there. Jesse and I spend most days at home, but we do manage to have some fun along the way 🙂
Your daughter looks like she’s having a great time! Thanks to the efforts of mama to be sure. : )
Love the paint in the snow idea! We’ve had some warm weather and only two snows, so I’m not sure I’ll get to it. Thinking about color shaving cream bath instead….
Excited for you for your upcoming birth! Love the birth kit ideas. My daughter ended up being my birth partner for the first of the two hours of labor. She was great! Our birth “activities” ended up being me reading her “We’re Having a Homebirth” before the first pushing contraction hit. Wondering what would have happened if I had activities to do. I think I would have forgotten about them. But it’s always best to be prepared, isn’t it? Looks like you are ready!I’m sorry you’re sick though. That must be rough. Hope you’re feeling better soon.
Great photos, Luschka! The painting snow ones are my favorites this week–what a fun idea! And how forward-thinking of you to be putting together all those activities for Ameli for during the birth. =)
It’s a brilliant idea! You are very brave. I know lots of people do it, but I think I practically engineered my labour to take place during the night so my eldest had no idea of it. How exciting for you. I’m afraid I didn’t manage every day this week, but I did take lots at the weekend…