Every mother will know that sometimes you just need a few minutes to hang up the washing, put dinner in the oven or brush your teeth. I often babywear, because Ameli hates being left on the play gym too long. Recently I bought her a Bumbo seat, which she seems to love. And I think she just looks too precious in it anyway, so it is a win-win situation!

day 18


365-18 New Heights of Cuteness

  1. That is adorable! I don’t know what you’re all talking about this going to the bathroom without a kid in tow. I have peed with my daughter on my lap more than once. That should not be legal!

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    1. @Missus Wookie, Thanks! I’ve ordered raw amber in the hope that that will be ‘extra strength’. I wear her too, most of the time, but sometimes I just need a break – specially having been so sick this week… Thanks for stopping by!

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