This has been a really, really busy week! Hope you enjoy it with us.
131 – Legoland
Isn’t it funny how things sometimes work out? Legoland is actually really expensive to enter, yet at the moment we’re stone broke but Ameli spends more time there than any other play place! Last year we bought a season pass for Legoland, figuring we’d only have to go three times to make up the cost. As Legoland isn’t very far from where we live, and entry is free, and you can take your own snacks along, it’s basically one of the cheapest days out for us at the moment. Isn’t it ironic?
Anyway, because it’s not far away, Martin and Ameli head over there a few times a week for a couple of hours. Getting him to take photos is tough, but I managed to force a couple out of him one day!
132 – Beach Clean-up
Growing up we were often involved in community projects, helping the less fortunate and so on. It’s something that’s really very important to me for my girls, and I truly don’t believe you’re ever too young to start, so when we received an invitation to attend a beach cleanup event, we went along, even though our nearest beach is over an hour’s drive away. The Big Beach Clean-up was held all over the country over these few days, and just on the beach we were at, we collected 51kg of rubbish! Isn’t that insane?
By the way, if you homeschool, or simply want to teach your children – or yourself – more about fish, check out School of Fish, an interactive website that contains loads of information on the fish in the oceans of our world. Just a word of warning: there are two highly addictive, but very educational games on the site too.
133 – Visiting Granny and Grandpa
A day at my lovely inlaws, who never cease to be good to us. They just love their grandchildren so much, it’s amazing. Also, whenever we arrive or they do, they make such a huge fuss over Ameli first, before fawning over Aviya, that she’s never exhibited any jealousy over their affections. I just love that.
134 – Nursery Rhyme Dress Up
It was our little friend Pete’s first birthday today and his parents threw him a ‘Nursery Rhyme’ party. It was so sweet. Our girlies went along as Little Bo Peep – Ameli learnt the words and everything – and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We had such a fun day. It was Aviya’s first ever birthday party, and we won the nursery rhyme book prize for knowing the most about the rhymes – although now I think of it, we never got our prize! Never mind – it was a lovely day!
135 – Outfit
I just love this little outfit. Ameli has so many beautiful clothes. I really wish I had even half of her wardrobe.
136 – More to Mushrooms
Aviya and I went to London for a More to Mushrooms event, to watch chef James Martin cook some fast and easy recipes with mushrooms. I have to give it to him: he’s good. He even converted me to chicken livers – but possibly only if he makes them? I’ll have to try it and see. I actually learned a lot about cooking mushrooms – like the fact that I’ve always totally overcooked them. Also, they’re nicer without oil added! Oh, and always stuff garlic mushrooms with cooked garlic, otherwise the mushrooms will be overcooked.
Aviya and I hung around a very rainy London for the afternoon – well, we were warm inside Starbucks – before heading to Westminster Abbey for a Montessori event… but more on that another day.
137 – Home
After a few very busy days, this was largely a home day. Nothing like keeping that brain active even on the off days though. I simply love how confident Ameli is with puzzles and jigsaws and I’m thrilled that she likes them!
Check out this weeks’ contributions from other Mamatography participants!
Very busy you were indeed, our week was quite the opposite!
Oh my goodness—the costumes are too much! Adorable, as always. <3
How great about LegoLand, we used to do that with the Zoo but now they are both at school we don’t get as much out of it. Sounds like you have fabulous in-laws too – they totally get it.
BTW I’m back!!! Sorry for the absence, I checked and it’s been 5 weeks 🙁