This year is spinning by at an insane velocity! Here we are, still enjoying warm-ish days on – or at least near – the beach, and already thinking of bonfire night, which is less than a month away! This month our #BostikBloggers project theme was just that: Bonfire Night. I didn’t want to make something fireworks related this time, but thought we’d focus on the “fire” aspect of it.
I wanted to make something a little more step-by-step, too, so here’s our instructional on how to make bonfire hair clips.
For these Bonfire Night Hairclips you will need:
- Red and Gold glitter pens
- Red and yellow pipe cleaners
- Hair clips
- Glue
- (Optional) string
- (Optional) pompoms
Use the yellow and red pipe cleaners to make ‘flames’. Twist them around each other, fan them out, and make them unique and individual. Some pipe cleaners have thicker parts to them – they are nice for flames. For others pop small pompoms on the top – whatever works for your bonfire night hairclips, really!
I initially put gold glitter on the yellow pipe cleaner, and red on the red, but then swapped so that the gold glitter glue showed up nicely on the red pompom, and the red showed up nicely on the yellow. I also think it makes it look a bit more fiery. Rub some glitter over the hair clips too.
(For one of them, I used a bit of ribbon to tie it all together, and used the clip itself to hold it while it dried.)
You can then either use the bit of string to tie the fire to the clip, or use a glue gun. I guess I don’t expect these to last forever, but you’ll want them to see out Bonfire Night at least!
We’ve been sent the crafts from Craft Merrily as part of the Bostik Bloggers program.