You know that time when your kids were so sick, they wouldn’t even play? No? Well, that’s what happened here over the last 10 days. My kids have been so poorly, sitting on the sofa has been hard work! So I’ve been sitting with these Glimmies from Flair for a week, knowing full well that the girls would love love love them, but not wanting to ruin the surprise by giving them something they’re too lacklustre to enjoy!  I quite liked getting something pretty in the post though! Glimmies

What are Glimmies, I hear you ask?

Glimmies are the new kids on the collectible toys block. There are 23 star fairies sent by the moon to take care of Glimmieswood’s forest animals. Each Glimmie bares a resemblance to the forest animal it’s meant to care for and as a group, they love endless adventures with friends, and have a deep respect for nature.


There are 16 individual Glimmies (at £3.99 each), and 7 that come with playsets.

At first glance, these are ‘just little plastic dolls’, with (as far as I’m concerned) slightly weird eyes. (It’s the stars – I find them odd!) Then I noticed the on/off switch at the back and… nothing happened. Then I moved my hand, and suddenly a bright yellow light shone forth! I checked the other Glimmie, and found that it had a lovely red glow from it’s body!

I was way more fascinated by this than a grown woman should be, but I hadn’t expected it!


We received two Glimmies to review, the red one, Dotterella, and the yellow is the fairy known as Lumix. Dotterella I think is meant to resemble a ladybird, with it’s curved wings and dots, while Lumix seems to be of the butterfly persuasion.

These are really cute, and I know my girls are going to love them. Hopefully tomorrow, when there’s no fever left in them!


The sun is shining beautifully today, so I wrapped the girls up warmly and we went to the forest to give the Glimmies a taste of home:

Glimmies in the Forest

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