Whether you’re having a fully-fledged Narnia party or just reading the book and want to add some 4-D to your reading experience, Lucy’s Fire Flower cordial is pretty to look at but is still safe to be used as ‘drops’ like Lucy does.

Fire-Flowers grew in the mountains and valleys of the Sun. The juice from their berries was used to make the healing cordial given to Lucy by Father Christmas. A single drop would cure almost any illness or wound, even bringing people back from the brink of death. The bottle of the cordial was in what was said to be made of pure diamond.

Fire Flower Cordial Cover

[pullquote]In this bottle, there is a cordial made of the juice of the fire-flowers that grow in the mountains of the sun. If you or any of your friends are hurt, a few drops will restore them.Father Christmas[/pullquote]

We included a bottle – not made of pure diamond – of Fire-Flower juice in the goodie bags for Ameli’s birthday party, and I absolutely loved it.

Now, we made it with Young Living Essential Oils, which is a food supplement in the US, but outside of the US isn’t allowed to be promoted as such. I liked doing it with the essential oils so that I could make it in advance, and not worry about the juice going off. Also, there’s no sugar or other additives.

There’s some debate about whether these oils should be taken internally or not. We drink it in water often, but even if you don’t like the idea, I doubt a few drops in some Fire Flower Cordial would be very bad for you though. Your choice, of course.

If you don’t have these oils,  you can use fruit juice and make it on the day.

Fire Flower Cordial

For Lucy’s Fire Flower Cordial you will need:


For Lucy’s Fire Flower Cordial vile you will need:

How to make Lucy’s Fire Flower Cordial:

  1. Mix the wet ingredients together
  2. Add the foodsafe shimmer powder
  3. Mix well and decant into decorated bottles or vials.
It’s so pretty, the colours are like fire, and the flavours are delicious. We did a trial one before the party and my kids spent hours playing dead so they could take turns dripping literally a drop at a time in each others mouths. They pretty much think it’s real!

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