Day 9 – Berlin to Prague
The idea for today was to wake up, rent a bike and cycle along the old Berlin wall, then make the four hour journey to Prague in time to find…Continue Reading →
The idea for today was to wake up, rent a bike and cycle along the old Berlin wall, then make the four hour journey to Prague in time to find…Continue Reading →
Waking up early for a bright start to the day, we arrived at the train station in time to catch…
Florence is just such a magical city. A place of art and beauty and sunsets and romance, and if…
This was a really rough day. Starting at 04.30 we left promptly on time for the metro, caught the shuttle bus to the airport had a relatively simple check in,…Continue Reading →
It surprises me that Barcelona isn’t mentioned in literature, song and folklore in the same way that Rome, Florence or…
After a night on a bunk bed on a train in a cabin that resembled something from 5th Element, we…
Today started rather slowly: a leisurely wake up as the building site next to our hostel came to life, a quick stint on the internet to add the London photos…Continue Reading →
Today started very early, although not so bright. After not much sleep, we left for Kings Cross where we were…
And here we are, day one is already over. Today was a madness of repacking (again!) and we set off…
Packing and then unpacking my much too small for everything I’d like to take along backpack for the seventh time last night, I remembered this photo taken at a restaurant…Continue Reading →