You know how every now and then, you find a product, look at it, dislike it, and then on closer inspection fall in love with it?  Well, this is one of those.

The AnyBook Reader is basically an electronic-pen-slash-voice-recorder-and-player-backer.  The premise being that you read your child’s favourite books while recording yourself and they can listen to them at any time, in your voice.  Initially, I have a problem with this in so many ways. If used as a replacement for time with your child, for example. But, after a while of thinking about it, I realised that there are examples of where this would be wonderful – like when a parent is deployed, away on business or otherwise unavailable. It’s a great way for the non-custodial parent to still get to be part of the bed time routine, for example.

And the more I thought about its potential application in our lives, the more I loved it. I decided to try it out and came up with this: I typed up a book, and emailed it to my parents. They then read the story into their phones, recording it on Whatsapp. They sent it to me and I recorded it into the reader and just like that, Nana and Oupa can read Ameli a story from across the world.

I’ve done a little video clip to show you how it works, so watch this:

[youtube M231T9qWZMk nolink]

But in short, click a button, record, hold the pen to a little sticker you’ve applied and listen.  There are no cables to connect, nothing to upload or download, and no new stories you need to buy or keep adding to.

In your started pack you receive 200 reusable stickers, which you can attach to each new page or to the front of the book. You also receive character stickers – faces – that we’re using to identify who reads each book. (So a book read primarily by Nana has the little face with glasses on it, and my parents have added a ‘we’re going to read a story now, so settle down and snuggle up’ type welcome message.) There are also some sound stickers you can use in stories – a cow, bell, ringing phone and so on. You can also buy another 600 stickers if you need them.

The AnyBook Reader is so simple and easy to use, and I think when a parent or other family member isn’t available, it’s perfect for keeping a connection alive.

The AnyBook Reader is available in the DPR-4000 (£69.99) model can store up to 60 hours of recordings and the DPR-3000 (£49.99)which can store up to 15 hours of recordings.

We have been shortlisted in the MADS awards as best pregnancy blog and best new baby blog. I would be so grateful if you would take 1 minute and vote or us to win in those categories.


If you’d like to win an AnyBook Reader, leave a comment below telling me the name of your favourite story that you’d like to record for your (or another) child.

For an additional entry, (which is not compulsory, and is not sponsored by Facebook and which has nothing to do with Facebook or its employees) you can like Any Book Reader, and leave a second comment below saying you have. Also, leave a message on their wall telling them I sent you!

This competition finishes at 23:59 on 11 June and the winner will be randomly drawn. Winners will be announced here and on the Diary of a First Child Facebook Page. Please check these to find out who won.


Please read the competition rules.

You do not have to tweet or share this competition to enter, and doing so does not give you additional entries unless otherwise stated, but doing so helps ensure that I can keep bringing you competitions! You can subscribe to Diary of a First Child by RSS  or to our competitions only RSS feed or email. You can also follow us on Facebook or on Twitter. We hope to see you back again soon!



AnyBook Reader Review And Competition

  1. I always remember being read Charlotte’s Web as a child so I would like to record this to share with my children

  2. I would like to record my reading of The Gruffalo’s Child to my little girl. It is her favorite among her numerous books!


  4. It would have to be “The Jolly Postman” an absolutely fantastic book enjoyed by both me and my daughter!

  5. My daughter loves I want my hat back, so it would be that!
    Liked the page and tweeted, hope it helps
    Jj x

  6. Hi, I would love to record Guess How Much I Love You for my babies of the future! Thanks a lot 😀

  7. I have liked your page on Facebook and Any Book Reader’s page and told them you sent me 🙂

  8. My fav story as a child was The Hungry Caterpillar and now my girls both love it too it would have to be that 😀

  9. I have a 4 month old who I’m avidly trying to get into books, so at this age the obvious choice for me is The Hungry Caterpillar. Later on, I would like to record her some of my best books growing up, Roald Dahl, Enid Blyton, all the classics!

  10. I would love to win one of these for my child. I would read her favorite book called The Itsy-Bitsy Spider by Rosemary Wells about 30 times a day. This book is her favorite. The reader would help my child with her reading and she can use it at any time of day. On the other hand it will also help me when I need those times to cook. clean and other motherly duties 😉

  11. What a great idea – I’d have to read Peter Pan as its our all time fav:) I also think it would be great to record the kids reading a story too:)

  12. I would love to win one of these. I think the first one I would record would be If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. This is my daughters favorite book. I would send the reader to Korea where my husband is stationed until 2014 so he could record books for the kids.

    1. Do you live in the USA? I talked about ‘if you give a mouse a cookie’ several times to the UK population and they were clueless! I had to order it from a USA book distributer.

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