Well, we made it. We’re in Australia, we’re settling in as much as you can when everything is temporary, and we’re making the best we can of a small budget, limited time slots to ‘do things’ every day, and a lot of running around looking after people. We’re doing the best we can. It was hard, the first week, as jetlag really caught the girls out, and we were awake most of most night, and sleeping late every day. Particularly difficult as two of the people in our house share were doing final exams for medschool, but fortunately that’s all over now.
299/366 – It’s A Sunny Day, Mama
Every day we’ve been here so far, Ameli’s rolled out of bed in the morning and gone to the window and announced with zeal that it’s sunny day! Apparently the sun hasn’t shone since we’ve left home, and we hadn’t seen much of it ourselves, so this new every day’s a sunny day thing is going to take some time to get used to!
P.S. Kesia, if you’re reading this, that’s Aviya in the little outfit you sent for Ameli three years ago. When they’re this cute, who cares that they’re hand-me-downs!?
There are loads of parks around us. There’s one two houses away from us, this one in the picture about a 15 minute walk away, another just around the corner, and between us and my parents, a 15 minute drive away, there are two more. They’re not crazy exciting, sadly, but they’re there, and that’s not to be scoffed at.
301/366 – Sunshine Girl
My little girl in her new sling, thanks Granny Geraldine for mama’s birthday money! We went to a fete with my dad, and ate yummy food and soaked up some rather intense Perth sun.
302/366 – Beach Meander
Our first proper visit with my mother and we went down to the beach before sunrise. It was lovely seeing her out and about, and it was so great spending time with her, talking face to face about her illness and the future and the next few months. Oh, by the way… flies. This particular morning was full of flies. They are everywhere. In their hundreds. It’s disgusting.
303/366 – Food Prep
This is pretty much what I do. It’s my new job! I make juices and healthy snack foods for my mother so she can eat, can drink, can sustain, can survive as best she can. Kale & Turmeric crisps, Cancer Fighting Mushroom & Turmeric soup, Carrot, Apple and Ginger juice for the chemo-induced nausea, Beetroot and Apple Jelly, Chocolate Date Balls for slow release energy… these were just the first day’s offerings. Ginger needs a certain type of juicer. I’m learning as I go.
304/366 – Gardening with Oupa
I love my dad so much. There’s just something about dads and daughters that gets my heart every time. Ameli is missing her dad so much right now, and cries for him almost every day, yet she doesn’t bother speaking to him on Skype much, and with the time difference, it’s really hard to nail down a time that works for him, and she’s not just all over the place. In his absence – or in our absence- I’m really grateful to have my dad and brother around to provide those strong, supportive and most of all respectable male role models that every young girl needs.
Thanks for joining us for our week in pictures!