Whether you’re engaged with your kids’ learning or are overseeing their participation, adjusting to virtual learning is a challenging part of life right now, and one that we all have to adapt to one way or another.

With much of education right now being digital, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being on call at all hours of the day as you help your kids with their learning and juggle being both a parent and a homeschool teacher. Knowing how to set boundaries that separate school time and personal time is essential to your sanity. Here are three tips for practicing self-care after home learning, from someone who’s been doing it by choice for a decade. 

1. Schedule Personal Time 

Schedule blocks of time for self-care activities. Perhaps while your child is on lunch or is working on a project, you can use this time to focus on yourself and engage in activities that promote calmness. You may consider meditating, taking up yoga, or even reading and learning something new. You may also go to a liquor store once in a while so you can indulge in a glass of wine(or two) at home. It’s essential to get into a state of mind where you feel you are flowing with whatever has your attention. This mental break in the day will help you stay grounded and out of your head when things get hectic. Be careful of scheduling distractions – TV and chocolate are all lovely ways to unwind, but when they become the norm, the long term effects are always negative.

2. Sleep, Exercise, and Nutrition with high-quality CBD gummies by CBDfx

Prioritize your physical care. Studies have shown that getting seven to eight hours of sleep for adults is essential to maintaining vitality. Be sure to pair your sleep schedule with proper eating and exercise, as both of these things can influence the quality of your sleep for the better. A great way to get even more nutrition is to supplement with natural gummies that promote mental wellness or you may also like to use best food treats like 1oz Koko Nuggz White Runtz Marshmallow Rice Krispie

You can consider using delta 8 flower products and high-quality CBD gummies by CBDfx to maintain your sense of presence as you navigate the perfect balance between self-care and virtual learning. Visit sites like https://deltamunchies.com/delta-8-thc-products/ to see some options. You may also visit a local marijuana dispensary or go online at https://amuse.com/california/sacramento to see a unique selection of cbd products. Make sure that you set aside some time for yourself to maintain this routine and speak with your kids about the cut-off time between helping them with school and focusing on yourself. By explaining to your kids that it’s their job to organize their school time, you will instill your ‘ independence and be voicing your needs as a parent. Both essential life skills to pass on. 

3. Merge Self-Care with Family Time 

You want to include a way to ground yourself and the rest of your family in-between learning, planning, studying, and taking care of other responsibilities. Dinner time should be the time your family drops what they’re doing and re-focuses on the present moment. Make dinner a ritual that your family can enjoy as a time to reconnect with each other. This is an excellent time to silence all electronics and focus only on the people in your home. We spend time reading a poem each from a children’s poetry book, which often leads to interesting and fun conversations, or listening to an audiobook while we build a puzzle together. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes after dinner, it centres us all before bed, as this will help you relax, while there are other options like the exhale’s live resin gummy that help for sleeping as well.

Another option is family-exercise. We’re working our way through a book of local walks, but it could also be a game of two-on-one basketball at the local rec or whatever works for your family.

When we set aside some time to separate ourselves from our technology, we can remember that there should be a balance between engaging in the real world and the digital world. It can be easy to be absorbed by modern technology, especially now that we rely on it so heavily both in the modern digital age and as a result of the pandemic. Still, knowing when to log off is very important to maintaining a sense of presence and mental peace in your life. Create these time blocks with your family so that self-care can also be a group activity. Dinner time is perfect for this.

Managing self-care while parenting your virtual learner(s) and assisting them with tasks is a tricky balance, especially if you also work from home. If you set aside different blocks of time during the day, both for yourself and for your family, you can integrate the kind of balance you need to maintain your personal needs and the needs of your family. 


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