We seem to be doing a tour of the South London parks at the moment, going through them one by one. I should start reviewing them! This has also been a milestone week for us: Ameli has started on solids, and has hit the 6 month mark.

Day 91 -Starting Baby-Led Weaning

Although most of Ameli’s nutrition still comes from breastfeeding, we’re trying to get her to eat something solid every day, and have started her on baby led weaning. I’ve made a little video to tell you more about it. So far she seems to really like baby corn, courgette, carrot, banana and smoke salmon, but she’s not a huge fan of raw mushroom.

Starting Baby-Led Weaning

Day 92 – Walk in the Park

Clapham Park, this time. This park is massive and has a lot more to offer than first meets the eye. Unfortunately it is quite exposed and it was really windy and cold, so we did not stay long!

Clapham Park Bandstand

Day 93 – Nap Time

The bonus of being a Work at Home Dad is having Friday afternoons off!

Naptime with Daddy

Day 94 – Herbal Bath

Ameli has a herbal bath to deal with the nappy rash resulting from two days in disposable nappies again. I must order a few more reusables. Marigold, lavender, chamomile and Four Thieves Vinegar all infused in a bucket of warm water. Hopefully that’ll sort her out.

Herbal Bath

Day 95 -Easter Sunday & Ameli is 6 months old

So there it is. Six months. I simply can’t believe it. I pulled out my favourite cake recipe again, and had a mini cake to celebrate. Of course, Ameli couldn’t have any, but we enjoyed it on her behalf.


Day 96 – Greenwich Park

Easter Monday we went for a walk in Greenwich park. This is a picture of the observatory from the bottom of the park. A typical London day really: overcast and threatening to rain.

Greenwich Park

Day 97 -A Swingin’ Time

A much nicer day, Ameli and I skipped the mom’s group and went to Wandsworth park. The playground wasn’t very busy and these swings looked baby- friendly, so we had a go. She absolutely loved it! The playground features colorful designs like the ones you can find at Marking Contractors London.

First time on a swing

Thank you for joining us for our week in pictures!

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