My nappy bag has replaced my handbag, these last ten months. I have gone from a big bag that could fit everything but the baby bath inside, to a Reebok yoga bag for convenience, until I tore it, and now I have myself a new nappy bag: the Ju Ju Be All Navy Berry, and for once, even my husband doesn’t mind carrying it.
This machine-washable, anti-bacterial baby changing bag comes with a separate changing mat, memory foam filled shoulder straps, metal features and insulated bottle holders – perfect for keeping milk temperate.
The simple, understated colour and design is ideal for dads, particularly, or mums who don’t really want to walk around with baby pastels and patterns slung over their shoulders.
My favourite features of this bag are the mesh pockets, which make it easier to find things and the bright satin linings which improve visibility – no more peering in to the dark interiors of a bottomless pit! Another favourite is the zipped cover – perfect for storing documents or a notebook, and the fact that it is waterproof means your documents don’t get wet while you stand in the queue for the council offices to buy your parking permit!
As this Ju Ju Be looks quite compact from the outside, it has a surprising amount of space, with the central area big enough for at least ten big reusable nappies (so a fair few more disposables), and a parent’s pouch with space for sunglasses, mobile phone, comes with a stretchy key leash and additional storage for change and make-up.
Closing is done quickly and quietly with magnets instead of velcro.
The benefits of this lovely nappy bag far outweigh the few drawbacks it does have:
– the strap tends to bunch up causing the bag to hang skew, but this can be rectified easily enough
– the ‘photo gallery’ seems a pointless feature: if you have the nappy bag with you, you probably have the baby so easy access card slots for library cards, swimming club cards or parking tickets would have been more useful.
The bag has D rings to which BeConnected Stroller Clips attach (can be bought separately), but should fit on any stroller without clips too.
Ju Ju Be have given one Diary of a First Child reader the opportunity to win a nappy bag of your own (UK only).
The competition will run until 12 noon on 16 August, and in order to win, just leave a comment below telling me your favourite feature of this nappy bag. Winner will be randomly drawn using
If you can’t wait that long, you can also purchase directly from Jelly Baby Group at £89.
And the winner is: Rebecca Hudson! Please let me have your address as soon as possible!
Congratulations and thank you everyone for entering!
I absolutely love the bags from Ju Ju Be, they think of everything and are truly smart bags for smart people!
Ju Ju Be are so much more than bags with paci pods, fuel cells and bibs
LOVE THIS BAG! I’m in LOOOVVVEEE. Best feature sounds like memory foam strap! Great for my tired shoulders 🙁 @swimminglynn
What a fab bag! I’d love to win that! I think the memory foam shoulder straps sound fab. With two little ones I have a lot of stuff to carry around and often find my shoulders are left a bit bruised by my current bag!
I love the magnet fastenings, at least nothing sticks to it like velcro
I like the magnet closing (why don’t all change bags come with this?) so much better than velcro which gets stuck to everything it shouldn’t and not to what it should!
I also love that it doesn’t scream “Changing Bag” and DH shouldn’t protest at carrying this one!
Feature? I just like the fact that it doesn’t look like it belongs to a baby. Perfect for use when you’re out on your own too!
Other thsn it not being girly, which my husband yould like, I like the sould of the zipped cover. The things in the outside pockets of my nappy bag got rather damp yesterday in a sudden downpour.
The bright satin inside is a great idea… My changing bag is impossible in that sense.. and that it has so much space.. I love spacious bags…
I think the best part is that my husband would be happy using it too!
I like the magnet fastening. Velcro is the bane of my existence!
Ooh, I like that it’s so roomy – getting my BumGenius nappies into my changing bag for a day out is a bit of a squeeze!
magnets instead of velcro? ah, the luxury of not getting attached to my changing bag every time I open it!
For me the best feature is that it doesn’t look too feminine! My husband will currently not carry out diaper bag and I think that he would like carrying this one!
Love the organiser pockets and the fact that the design of the bag makes it look non mumsy.
I love the simplistic design, and the name, it’s so cute! 🙂
Best feature it’s a hard choice between not looking like a changingbag, soft shoulder straps and space. Space for 10 reusables wins though I am sick of not being able to fit more then a coupleof nappies into my bag especially now we are weaning and also have food to take out with us as well
I like the idea of the magnetic closing – velcro attaches itself to everything except its counterpart velcro and I am fed up with having to detach nappies clothes and general mess from it!
And machine washable too …. I love this bag!
The memory foam shoulder straps sound great! I usually have a great red mark on my shoulder from lugging all the stuff around that you seem to need with a little one!
Wow mesh pockets and bright inside, so you can look for stuff, fed up with my daughters bag, having to dig and feel about to find something when we look after our grand daughter. This would help us oldies when required to take over parenting jobs.
I like the fact it isn’t all pastel and flowery like quite a lot of change bags are, so my husband would happily carry this if we were taking C out in the sling and didn’t have the pushchair to hang it on.
It sounds like its quite big too which is always a good thing!
Just looking at this changing bag I love the fact that it doesnt LOOK like a changing bag! It actually looks pretty stylish! I used to ALWAYS take two bags out! My handbag and J’s changing bag, it wasnt that I couldnt fit it all in the changing bag, no it was that all the changing bags I had were hideously ugly and I needed some sense of fashion and style by still having a handbag of my own hehehehe!
A machine washable nappy bag? I need that 🙂 I think it would also appeal to my husband – perhaps he would even change more nappies if we won!
I’ve won on another site from first position, it can be done 🙂
I like the sound of the magnet closure, instead of velcro that gets caught on everything and gets all clogged up with stuff.
I like the fact it doens’t look like a handbag, so we can both use it. 10 reusable nappies sounds like great space too, need lots of space.
I’ve not seen the clips before, but it could be great as otherwise we just have the strap over Izzy’s sun-shade.
Morning! Not much chance of winning this since I’m first but it does look great.My husband is a SAHD and uses the changing bag as his ‘man bag.’
This one is attractive enough not to look like a changing bag but still suitably manly for him to use. Very nice indeed!
@Eleanor, I won something from first position once, and I ‘think’ I’ve had a winner at first before, so hold thumbs, it’s not impossible! 🙂 DH loves this bag, btw – it looks almost like a laptop bag! (Although the baby in the sling is normally a giveaway!) Thanks for entering!