Some time during last summer, we booked a home ed visit for one of the Pizza Express School Visit sessions, and though we had to wait several months for our session, we arrived on the agreed date and had a fantastic and informative visit.
Pizza Express School Visits offer groups the opportunity to not only see how pizza is made but also to get hands on and involved. For some children this is a brand new experience, of course, and for our group there was a mix of abilities too, considering our participants ranged from about 3 – 14 years.
Obviously the details may differ from visit to visit, but for ours on the Isle of Wight, the children were decked out in chefs hats and aprons, and given loads of flour to flour their work surface – a set of tables in the restaurant. Each child was given a ball of dough. The chef – whose name I sadly can’t remember – was amazing. He had such great rapport with the children, and was engaging and informative and did a fantastic job of managing such a range of ages.
They spoke about the different steps they went through, the chef demonstrated, and the children were able to take their own dough ball, and knead it, twist it and shape it into circles – they even got to toss it up into the air.
They placed their circles into pizza trays, then prepared them as Margherita pizzas. Pizza hut dough is dairy free, so there were some dairy free pizzas and some regular.
There was a lot of spinning and fixing and sorting with the final touches – origanum and salt and pepper – added to finish.
While the pizzas were labelled and popped into the oven, the children had a tour of the kitchens, the fridges, and the fresh produce stores, before getting their pizzas back, and tucking in.
Pizza Express School Visits are open to any groups – they don’t have to be a school group – and you can simply book up your space, free of charge. Each child gets to take away a pizza and the whole group learning experience is valuable and fun. It can be worth it to learn how to use a Pizza Oven – Pellethead, especially if you want to enjoy some delicious pizza.
You can book your own visit here.
Here’s a little video from Pizza Express to tell you more about it:
Fits with Year 2 Curriculum: Design and Technology
Select materials and ingredients, measure, mark out, cut and shape materials to make something new
Very cool event! Will consider it for our next birthday party.
Pizza Express School Visits & Home Educators @Luschkavo
Pizza Express School Visits & Home Educators @Luschkavo
Pizza Express School Visits & Home Educators #34years #67 #byage #cooking #homelearning